final participation contract – week 12

what did you do well?

i surprised myself by actually sticking to my participation contract and doing all 5 criteria every week throughout the term. in this sense i did well by keeping organised and on top of my work. i didn’t have to go back and add stuff or change anything. and doing the blog posts for my contract every week really added to how much i got out of the subject each week. it made sure i paid attention in the lectures and that i did the readings. i also attended all but one of the classes and lectures throughout the semester (and i only missed one because i was interstate)

what have you learnt to do better?

i learnt how to better articulate my thoughts about the content through the blog posts (even if that sentence wasn’t great) and to use my blog posts to consolidate the knowledge and content delivered through the readings and lectures. this process has really helped me learn how to take in info from the course and to discuss the relations between the different things we were doing and learning which overall helped complete the work this semester. i tried wherever i could to not just summarise the readings or lectures but actually discuss the ideas that were presented. i’ve learnt how to organise my blog through categories and tags. this was one of my criteria and was really useful to learn over the semester.

what could you have learnt to do better?

perhaps further consolidating what i was taking in from the course with material from outside of the course would have increased my learning and over all experience of the course. i did fulfil my contract but i did not expand on it so i could do better in going outside of the provided course material to expand my understanding. and done some more experimenting with korsakow outside of class to understand it better

Participation Contract

this is my participation contract for integrated media

1. write at least 1 blog post per week about the readings. this includes thoughts on the readings, any questions about the content, possible connections between it and other readings or to the course as a whole. this is to consolidate what i have gained from the readings and get as much out of them as possible


2. at least 1 blog post each week discussing or reflecting on the set task. this reflection will include how the task was achieved, any difficulties that were faced and how they were overcome, why there may have been difficulties and how to prevent these from occurring in the future. also reflecting on the connections between the current and previous set tasks and with the overall course. this is to further consolidate understanding of the set task and its relation to the overarching meanings and outcomes of the course


3. making use of tags and categories. every post i do should belong to at least 1 category and have at least two relevant tags. by the end of semester i should be able to click on any tag and get a good idea of the topics i have covered throughout the 12 weeks. this includes being able to easily see which posts connect to relevant sections of this participation contract as well as how the posts relate to each other. this task is to improve my abilities online at creating linking databases, being able to set up a great blog where everything is readily accessible and understandable.


4. at least 1 blog post each week discussing and reflecting upon the lecture and/or the class discussions. this is to further consolidate the topics of the week both independently and in their relation to the readings and the overall course as a whole. this may also include a question that could be asked in the upcoming lecture.

5. 1 post commenting on/discussing or linking to another persons blog post. this is to provide a wider spread of information coming from different sources within the course but will still be relevant to the subject. it will also allow for greater connectivity and interaction between classmates.


all 5 of these points must be done before class each week to gain full marks. all 5 being completed will equal an HD, doing four a DI, 3 a C, 2 a P and 1 or 0 an F for that week and these will be tallied in week 12 to provide an overall grade for the semester.