film/tv reflection test 4, question 8

List the things that you learnt from this experience – this could be things that went well or not so well

making the lenny was a really good and useful experience, especially to help prepare us for filming our major project in a few weeks.

the most important thing i found was the impact of being unprepared. we had nothing prepared prior and so a lot of time was wasted just trying to decide what to do. this will be especially helpful because now i know that going into our filming day we need to have absolutely everything prepared and mapped out so that we know exactly what to do. we lost so much time trying to work out where to film, what angles and shot sizes to use, who would play the character and how to do each shot when instead we could have just been filming. because of this issue, we did not have enough time to film a number of shots that we wanted to so we need to make sure that we are completely planned and prepared when we shoot our film so that we don’t lose any important shots.

the other thing i learnt was about making decisions. because i am directing our film, i was director of the lenny so this made going in unprepared even more difficult and stressful. standing there with 4 people looking to you and ask what to do is pretty stressful and made me a little anxious. but once we actually got started i realised that rather than worry about what i was doing or what the others would think, i just had to make decisions and go with them. i learnt that there is no point sitting, worrying and deliberating over something, but rather i just need to decide and agree with my choice and use that to move forward. i think this was the greatest thing i got out of the lenny excerise because it really trained me for directing my crew and how to trust myself.