so, i’m sitting here, at my lovely new mac computer (yes, i caved in. i’m a P.C lover at heart but i have to admit, this mac is pretty good. i did it for the editing software. and my old laptop took 30 minutes to start up, by which time i probably didn’t even need it anymore. anyway, back to the post) and it’s just passed into wednesday morning and i just cannot get through this reading.
i don’t know what it is, because generally i work much better at night. my friends think i’m crazy but lets be honest, i would much rather stay up till 2 am (ok, lets be realistic here, 1 at the latest) to do work rather than ever get up early (and yes, when i say early i mean before 9, sometimes 10). i’m a night owl. it must be genetic because my dad is the same (my mum on the other hand, in bed by 9 and up by 7, the horror!).
but it’s true, no matter how desperate the work is, i just can never bring myself to get up early to do it. yes, this does often leave me in a it of a manic rush to get assignments done and was a major problem during high school when i had a parentally enforced bedtime (yes, parentally is now a word) but i just work better at night.
but not right now. i just cant get through these readings (i probably have left it bit late). i think my problem is i still live in a print world. i love paper. i love books. i miss writing notes in a textbook (although i don’t miss trying to decipher my shocking handwriting) and i miss highlighting things. i really miss highlighting things. i used to crack out all ten different highlighter colours for every assignment and just highlight everything because it looked pretty.
and so now my brain just cant deal with a lump of smart sounding words presented to me on a bright screen which i can’t draw on in a bright yellow texter. this is the internet, i’m used to “had a pie today! tasty” or “OMG!!! game of thrones! OMG!!!” but not stuff i actually need to take in. i guess as far as readings go, i’m gonna have to head back to the dreaded olden days and print these out. speaking of which, i absolutely loved that article adrian posted about print dying –,33244/?ref=auto
but i will never give up my books. sitting just underneath my beloved tv boxsets, they are all my babies (bit too creepy?).
well, this stemmed pretty far from my original idea for this blog. i tend to write a lot, not sure if thats a good or bad thing here. i think blogs are meant to be short. i guess my brain thinks more at night. i’ll have to start writing these during the day, while i’m printing out the readings.
i should stop now. i’m gonna stop. now. goodnight.