Batman Ben

for those of you who aren’t keeping up to date with all things superman, here’s some very, uh, intersesting news that was announced today regarding the new superman/batman  movie (which, btw, i’m still hesitant about in general).

yes, you heard it right, Ben Affleck has been cast as the billionaire bruce wayne, more commonly known as Batman. i’m still unsure what to think. i’ve always preferred superman to batman. yeah, the more recent movies haven’t been as critically brilliant as the dark knight trilogy (even if it should be called the batman begins trilogy because that was the first one) but as a superhero himself, i would take superman over batman any day. and the superman films are just happier than the dark knight ones (hence the “Dark” in the name).

now, people are saying that this is just as bad as george clooney being cast as batman (and if you want evidence of just how bad that turned out, check out this video). but think about this, when anne hathaway was cast as catwoman we all thought it was a terrible idea. but she was brilliant (well, i know i thought she was). as the article says:

Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne.

so it could be could work. lets not judge this decision just yet, we need to see how he does in the film, as batman and against henry caville (who i am loving as superman by the way. and lets not slide over his amazing looks either). you know what, i’m excited, mainly coz we’re getting another superman movie that will hopefully lead us towards getting a justice league movie sometime soon. i guess we just have to wait and see. but i am still a bit unsure about the casting choice. he is just not who i can picture as batman.

What decade are we in again?


So, found this photo and just realized how true it is! I don’t know where all the time has gonna but somehow we’re a third of the way through the teens. Or is it Tweens? What exactly are we called this decade? And speaking of, what did we call the last one? The ones? The naughties? The unos? Anyhow, the point is that we (or maybe just I) barely even noticed this time disappear. And I think we just let this last decade pass us by. Yeah, we got all this fancy new technology and iPhones and all that stuff. But is that all we’ll remember?

I guess, the problem for me is I’m picturing the 90’s as my childhood. Movies and cartoons and toys and primary school. Which, in part, is true. But I was born in ’94 so by the time we hit 2000 I was just 6. Now, lets be honest, who remembers what they did from ages 0 – 6? So when I’m remembering my childhood or thinking back ten years, I guess even though I’m imagining the 90’s, I really am just thinking about the early unos. It’s so crazy thinking that within ten years I went from a little girl who loved Pokemon and teen titans and her tamagotchi to a year 11 student who still loves Pokemon (and plays the games on a Nintendo DS), knows how to download her favorite shows to watch them before they come out on tv and has her first iPhone.

So maybe more happened in the last ten years than I thought. The picture is still true. When I try and go back ten years, my mind immediately skips back to the 90’s, but I really am just thinking about the last ten or so years. Now I just wonder where the next 10 years will take us

Who is slade?

so, i’ve been watching a lot of teen titans recently (great show btw, if you haven’t seen it, check it out. if you like cartoons though. and awesomeness!!!!). anyway, the basic premise is 5 teenage superheroes who fight crime, their leader is robin (like, batman and robin, yeah, that robin). and in the show there are a lot of references to other DC stuff, like gotham city or metropolis and there’s even a fight scene on top of a Wayne Enterprises building. but what i didn’t realise until recently is there a quite a lot of connections to the green arrow.

for those who don’t know who the green arrow is, he is another DC superhero (who’s real name is Oliver Queen) and is an archer (hence the arrow in the name). i first saw him in the series smallville (tom welling anyone??? such a good clark kent) and now the CW has an awesome new series called arrow which is, you guessed it, about Oliver queen and his adventures as the green arrow, or, as they call him in the show, “the hood guy”.

so, i hear you ask, where am i going with this? well… teen titans features various random baddies (with some very odd superpowers might i add. like a guy who just shines light at people, or a piece of tofu from outer space that kidnaps cows) but the big bad of the first two seasons was this super evil dude called “Slade” who was robin’s arch nemesis and was hell bent on controlling the city and destroying the teen titans. you know, your average evil guy stuff. and he’s a brilliant fighter. like, he’s the first guy you see in the show able to take down robin. so anyways, not really sure what brought it up but i was just in my random, obsessive show phase of looking up everything and anything about a show i watch and i came across the wikipedia for slade where it said that in the comics he was originally called “deathstroke” but they changed it for the cartoon coz it was too dark. and that name sparked some little flicker of recognition. where had i heard deathstroke before?? (i’m sure you see where this is going).

and then i remembered!!! in Arrow, about a third of each episode is spent in flashbacks showing Oliver’s time that he spent stranded on a supposedly deserted island. but, as we, and oliver, soon learn, the island is in fact some kind of crazy prison/war camp or something (i’m still not quite sure yet) but all we know is there are some very ruthless baddies

on this island who posses incredible fighting skills and brutal strength. and of course, oliver manages to get himself tortured by the worst one of them all. and what was his name? you guessed it…Deathstroke!!! omg i felt so proud of myself for picking up on this connection.heres a pick of death stroke, you can see the similarities between the two characters.

but oh no, my curious brain didn’t stop there!! because then i remembered another character (and if you don’t want arrow spoilers, stop here) who oliver meets on the island. he was deathstroke’s partner in the army before they reached the island and deathstroke became a baddie. and what was his name??? right again…Slade!!. and they have matching creepy masks. (i’ve put a picture of slade below too, holding his mask, just incase any of you were interested. and he’s aussie too! well, the character is, i’m assuming the actor is too).


so there you have it!! crazy teen titans references in a current US tv show. although i guess really they’re all just from the DC world, not necessarily teen titans. but just a weird coincidence that i’m watching both at the same time i guess. oh, and another one i never picked up on when i first watch the titans series as a kid, but there are often episodes where the titans work with other heroes and one of them who appears a few times is this kid, very similar to robin. his name is “Speedy” and, yup, he’s an archer. turns out he is the green arrows side kick and they already cast someone to play speedy in the upcoming season of arrow!! ah, so much intertwiningness (that should deff be a word). anyway, hope you enjoyed that, although i’m probably like the only person in the world who really cares, i still think its cool. my one piece of advice, if you’re not watching arrow, you should be!!!



um….. what?

so, as i was casually browsing the Top Ten things to come in cans, i came across this VERY stange canned item.

i hope none of my ear juice is in there!!! also strange that is the only thing written in english on that can. maybe a bad translation? but apparently a jew’s ear is  type of mushroom. now, i love mushrooms. they are by far my favourite vegetable. but not even i would drink a can of mushroom juice. especially not one labelled as “jew ear juice”!!!!

the brilliance of john oliver

edit: so, the video has been removed from youtube which is why the link isn’t working. sorry everyone. hope you got the chance to see it and laugh while it was still up there. but even if not, check out his other stuff on the daily show coz it’s great.

don’t know if any of you guys are familiar with john oliver (he plays professor duncan on community. well, we haven’t seen him on community in a while but i’m assuming he still plays it) but he is hilarious. if you havent already, definitely check out some of his stuff from when he hosted the daily show while john stewart was like away or something. heres a particularly good one. or if you’re into the current election, check out this more recent one

nothing better than Nigel thornberry

honestly, i don’t think you can get funnier gifs than the ones with nigel thornberry (or nigel strawberry, as he was loving called by the rugrats). here are a few of my favourites. (loving the combination of avatar and nigel thornberry btw. it’s amazing how much avatar love there is online)

i miss back when community was funny. maybe they should put nigel in more of the episodes

even avatar korra cant escape the thornberry!

of course, i do have to include at least one with pokemon

ok, last one. they just don’t stop getting funny!!

an abundance of beanies


so, i don’t know if any of you saw my post last week with my pokemon beanie but even if you didn’t i’m sure you can all tell by now that i’m a bit (okay, may more than a bit) of a nerd. and what better way to show off your nerd obsessions than with hats!! alongside my pikachu beanie (and in case you were wondering, my head isn’t that pointy, the beanie is on my knee), i also have an NCIS hat, two different types of fringe hats, a cat in the hat hat, a yoda beanie (with full on ears!) and a sydney swans beanie. oh! and a 3-eyed alien onesie! (you know, the little alien guys from toy story? “you have saved our lives. we are eternally grateful).

so, for any of you out there with a love of geeky beanies, this site is perfect for you! i love that they even have avatar beanies!!! how cute is this momo beanie?!?! and they have aang and even Appa too!

the minion one is great too. (as you know i can’t resist the minions)


edited to add: i may have also just bought a pikachu onesie off ebay. omg i’m such a nerd. and so excited!!!

maps, maps and more maps

adrian posted this article in the subject blog and i really enjoyed it so wanted to share it with you all (that is, if “you all” is actually anyone at all). link is here.

some really interesting maps on this one. i found that australia and russia seem to be on almost opposite ends of the spectrum in nearly every case. in a lot of these maps, australia is well up there in the, lets say awesome, section of the spectrum, such as our high economic equality, we’re pretty welcoming to foreigners (although you wouldn’t think that now with all those awful “Stop the boat people” ads going around), we’re one of the the best places to be born and apparantly we are one of the top countries to be a mother in 😀 although we are pretty emotional (although not as emotional as america.) but i guess that contributes to why we all feel very loved (yes, one of the maps showed that we feel the most loved compared to many other countries. here’s a virtual hug to everyone in the blue/sad countries on the love map)

a funny one was the russian guy who speculated that the US would break up into 4 separate countries run by canada, mexico, russia and europe. and who knew there were so many atheists in china?? but that time lapse map of the earth from space was really cool. i’d love to visit one of those icy countries. yeah, it would be cold, but it would also be pretty cool (see what i did there?) and i’ve always wanted to build a proper snowman.

the one that’s really scary is just how far some of hamas’s rockets can reach out into israel. i’ve stood on the border of israel and gaza and it’s not a happy place. the towns along the edges of the border have a bomb shelter every 3 houses in each street. what a terrifying way to live. (wow, that just got pretty political, didn’t mean to go there. the map did it! blame the map!)

what i did find really interesting (and here’s me getting slightly political again, sorry!!) was how we had one of the highest percentage of tolerance towards homosexuality (even higher than america) but we still have yet to legalise gay marriage!!! there was a pretty high number of countries who have already (we can worry about the ones who’ve ruled it punishable by death another time) but isn’t it about time that we legalise it too?? IMO we need to take a leaf out of New Zealand’s book and make it legal. but that’s enough political stuff from me. i feel pretty strongly about this but you don’t need to suffer through my rantings. but i was happy to see that we weren’t in the highest percentage of smoking per person so at least aussies (well, some at least) are getting something right.

lets lighten the mood up a bit before signing off, how crazy is this map!!!!