how to embed a photo

so what’s the difference between posting a photo and embedding a photo?

posting a photo is just putting a photo in from your computer. click the upload/insert button just above the text box when making a new blog post and upload the photo from your computer. like this one


to embed a photo, get the link of the website where you’ve gotten the image from and in this little line of code in place of “URL”: <img src=”URL”> like below.

<img src=>

if it doesn’t work (like it didn’t for me the first time i tried) go to the HTML tab (not the visual one) and make sure that the start of your link is a < not &lt; and the end is a >  not a &gt; and you should be good to go :D.

and there you have it.

and now you also have pikachu doing gangnam style

4 thoughts on “how to embed a photo

    • so, the easiest way to get it to work is to make sure that when you are typing out the code with your URL that you are doing it in the HTML tab and not the visual tab (this is when you are writing your post). if you write out the code in the visual tab then it will be changed in the HTML tab which is why it won’t work.
      also, make sure you are using the right link for the photo. not a webpage that has a photo on it but the actual link on the photo. eg. if you search an image on google, it gives you the options to “visit page”, “view original image” or “search by image”. you want to choose “view original image” which should take you to a page tht just has the image but nothing else. the URL of this page is the URL you want.
      here’s the code again: and again make sure you are typing in the HTML tab. this should hopefully help you out

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