NEWS IS A JOKE: Proposal & Reflection

Proposal & Reflection

Overview: our proposal document includes the assigned questions and overview of what we aim to achieve in potentially producing our news segment in the coming weeks of this studio. We have also included the script which includes a number of colour coded directions for prop use, camera work/editing and graphics we will need in producing this segment. Not everything is set in stone, it is definitely subject to change.

Google Doc of Proposal & Script: 

The process of working on A3 for the past few weeks has certainly been different to other experience I have in group assignments, but none the less I am still content with the outcome.

Due to the uni break and our own personal schedules, we never really managed to meet outside of class time, and even then our discussion was limited due to the production of our news segment with our larger group. However despite this, thanks to the power of social media and google docs, we were able to easily communicate with one another with ease.

Over the time we were away from uni, we were consistently messaging one another about the requirements of our task, discussing what research we had and where we would go from our current stage of production. With no problems at all we divided up the tasks between the 3 of us by listing them and letting one another choose. Each of us have been completely fine with the roles/tasks we’ve had, Darcy was happy to write the script as he has a strong writing ability, whilst Emilienne and I happily divided up the proposal questions so we’d each have a balanced and fair workload. We updated each other throughout the process of writing, ensuring that we were each involved in all the questions and tasks.

I personally was assigned answering the proposal questions about production requirements and social media potential, and I found these easily attainable. We had a master google doc that included the research conducted by all of during the process of A2 and up until now, as well as Darcy’s script, which made it much easier to access particular parts of the script to reference in our proposal and to have constantly available when arguing our social media potential.

By discussing with the group, I was able to ensure I was including everything they agreed with and wanted to be included in our proposal. I really think our constant checking in with one another and cooperation is what has lead to the success of this assignment and how we’ve been able to achieve something we are each happy with.


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