Assignment 3: Peer Review


This was so much fun! I definitely had my interaction sustained with this project. Everything about this was so great, from the graphics to the actual patcher and technical stuff! Genuinely started getting nervous about when the bomb would go off, and I think this really adds to the experience. The game was super easy to use, it’s nice not having a list of instructions to read and refer back to constantly. I thought it was really great how you created a set of numbers for it to reset back to, definitely shows a lot of hard work and time that’s gone into the project! Really the only thing to be ‘improved’ on maybe just place the graphic so that it’s centred and you don’t have to move it around a bit to fit it all in the screen. Other than that, it was amazing!


It’s really cool to have seen Saskia’s idea develop from Assignment 1 to now. I really really enjoyed this project and it was certainly aesthetically pleasing to use. It was simple and straightforward which was really great and made it super easy to navigate. The videos that played at each location all felt the same, they felt like they were all filmed by the same person, which really kept up the calm and visually pleasing experience. The sound also really added to the project, and set the tone and mood for your ‘journey’. Honestly, the one thing I’d like to see developed more is more countries and locations! I definitely felt like I wanted to keep clicking around and exploring so it would be cool to do this on a larger scale.


THIS WAS SO FRUSTRATING!! I played around with Charmaine’s solo project in the classes prior to the due date and oh my god the frustration was real! There were definitely times I was convinced there wasn’t a number on the screen but Charmaine and others would be telling me there definitely was. This was so much fun to play with and I really got a good laugh out of it, and maybe a self-diagnosis of being colour blind. I think the idea is so fun and cool and I’m honestly jealous I didn’t think of it! The execution was so good and it’s definitely one of my favourite works I’ve seen all semester. 🙂

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