Gary’s reflection on my presentation has most definitely been useful. Going into this project I was quite unsure of how exactly to approach documenting microplastics. Gary provided really useful quotes and information from sources he found himself – which I greatly appreciate!

Gary suggested having a specific approach in regards to microplastics. Microplastics are so embedded in our eco-systems and society and it would be hard to cover everything in one video alone. I won’t lie, right now I’m still struggling to decide upon what would be the best focal point, I’m leaning slightly more towards eco-systems, such as sea life which ingest and are poisoned by microplastics.

When it comes to my media making, I have a tendency to alter things as the process goes on, so my focal point could easily end up changing as I produce my work. As for the constraints I chose, I am really struggling with the ‘no voiceover’ aspect of one of mine. I rely quite heavily on articulating my thoughts and ideas through speech, and with something like microplastics, I feel it’s really difficult to disclose information through a video without just blatantly using text.

I want to create something beautiful and poetic, but I’m beginning to think that might be a bit ambitious with the constraints I’ve chosen. Ideally, I want to stick to these constraints and challenge myself, but with challenging yourself comes stress and anxiety, which I try to avoid in media making. As challenging as this might be, I know working outside my comfort zone and working harder to obtain my goals will ultimately benefit me a creative and in my media making.

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