This week’s Wednesday class had me cringing, crying, laughing and feeling all sorts of emotions. As a class we watched Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade (2018). This film has now most certainly become one of my absolute favourites. As much as I was frustrated with Kayla and wanted her to do things differently, I couldn’t help but see myself in her. Growing up in a generation so heavily surrounded by media and online media, understanding her awkwardness, poor social skills and angsty teen addiction to a mobile phone was easy.

The society we live in now is so heavily controlled and consumed by media, and teenagers are quite evidently the ones interacting with it most. Eighth Grade demonstrates a real and true reflection of the life that many teens likely live.

As for the practical aspect of class this week, I certainly did not enjoy it as much. The Zoom F4 recorder is more so a foe than friend of mine. I don’t entirely despise audio work, but I found myself being extremely confused by this equipment. The audio however did turn out quite good, I understand their purpose and why they’re considered ‘professional’ microphones, but I still have a distaste to them.

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