Online Video Reflection: Week 2

Personally for me I really enjoyed this weeks classes. The practical exercise we did on Wednesday is something I most certainly found interesting. I found it quite interesting how the two cameras had their distinct differences. Funnily enough, the Sony fs5 camera, although appearing more daunting and scary, was actually better and easier to navigate than the Canon 6D Mark 2. The controls on the Sony allowed for much more perfection in creating the ideal shot. ISO, Aperture, White Balance were all easier to control and perfect, allowing for an overall nicer shot (in my opinion).

I also highly appreciated the sheet Paul (or Brian?) put together. The acronym LOTA POWFENGER, although a long and weird one, greatly assists in setting up the equipment in preparation to shoot the desired scene/interview. The breakdown of the steps allows for a greater understanding of each steps purpose and significance in shooting and I’ll certainly be able to refer to this acronym throughout my media career.

Vlog 2:


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