Artists Statements


  1. conceptual aims – themes/ideas to explore, intended meaning/s

As a group, our main aim is to explore the idea of altering reality, filtering what the real world see’s, hence the name ‘Filtered Reality’. We intend for people who use our interaction to be able to alter their real appearance with ease like they would on apps like ‘Snapchat’ and ‘Instagram’ which both have a variety of filters that can easily be switched between. There is no hugely deep meaning behind the idea of altering reality, but it is simply for enjoyment and fun, something that those who interact with it will find pleasure and entertainment in.

  1. technical aims – skills/techniques to develop, expected challenges

Through this project, I hope to develop a good understanding of video objects and increase my confidence in using Max. I’m aiming to understand how to use the video objects with ease, and hopefully gain a basic understanding of a few keyboard shortcuts in Max. I don’t have huge expectations for myself and my group, other than for us all to gain a basic level of understanding of Max and more specifically the video objects and alterations that can be made to it, I believe by the end of this assignment we will each have much more confidence in Max.

As for issues, considering this is our first assignment, I expect a couple of issues:

  • figuring out how to connect each filter to a different key on the keyboard, and with an easy transition between filters
  • working together as a group on something that isn’t accessible to everyone at all times may prove to be a bit difficult when we’re not in class
  • potentially giving ourselves too much work, we have the idea of including audio with each filter but it may prove to be too confusing for our first assignment.



  1. conceptual aims – themes/ideas to explore, intended meaning/s

For my solo project, I’ve chosen to explore the idea of the association between image and sound but in quite a simplistic way. Rather than display video image and audio, I intend to create a colour playlist of my own, in a way like a colour wheel, but with audio corresponding to each colour. I aim to either find or create colours that will be the visual displayed on the screen and then search for songs that I find correlate well with the different colours, selecting a different song for each colour. I’m in a way also aiming to explore the idea of the association between colours and ‘moods’ or feelings, although these will be my own personal choice of what colours and songs I feel correlate, I hope audiences will agree with at least some of my choices.

  1. technical aims – skills/techniques to develop, expected challenges

I have similar aims for the group and solo projects. My main objective is gaining a basic understanding of the program as I think having basic knowledge and understanding of how to navigate Max will benefit me with future projects, making it easier for me to work without assistance. In doing this solo task, I do hope to develop an idea of the keyboard shortcuts in Max, as well as understanding how to connect visuals and sounds at once, and with ease. I hope that I correctly understand and demonstrate knowledge of what tactile interaction is, even if my project is quite simple and basic. As it is the first assignment I do expect challenges here and there. I think I may struggle with understanding how to connect the right sounds with the right images, and I can see myself struggling to figure out how to connect the visuals and sound to particular keys on the keyboard, allowing for easy navigation between the colours and their corresponding audio.


Reflective Statement:

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