#7 Networked Photography

© @kimkardashian

Who is the practitioner and when were they practicing?
The practitioner is Kim Kardashian and her Instagram account is @kimkardashian. Kardashian is an American reality star, socialite and beauty company owner who is one of the most popular people on Instagram where she has 134 million followers. She has been using the platform since February 2012.

With the photo or video, you are examining when was it produced?
The photo was highly likely taken in Kardashians home around the time of the publishment. This is not something that can be known with 100 per cent certainty.

How was the photo authored and published?
The photo was taken with an iPhone X Max (which you can see in the photo). We do not know a lot about the editing process, so it is possible that is had been edited in apps or in a photo editing programme on a computer. The authoring of the photo is affected by the fact that it is an ad for Flat Tummy Tea. This means that there are certain protocols that Kardashian has to follow e.g. that she has to clearly show the products as well as her “flat tummy”. The photo was published on her Instagram @kimkardashian most likely from the same phone that she took it from. The entry barriers are very low when taking and publishing the photo from the same phone using an app like Instagram.

How was the photo distributed?
The photo was distributed through Instagram where @flattummyco reposted the photo on their account on January 4th. I have not been able to locate the photo in other places.



@kimkardashian, Flat tummy tea ad (January 2. 2019) [Instagram post], visited on 17/4 2019 on https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJsNcOnFDP/

Shaw, G. (August 2. 2018). Take a look at the very first Instagram 34 of your favorite celebrities posted [online article], visited on 17/4 2019 on https://www.thisisinsider.com/celebrities-first-instagram-posts-2018-7

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