Posts Tagged ‘editing short cuts’

Combatting Habits: Editing Short Cuts

It’s interesting to learn the specific and ‘proper’ ways to do things when it comes to editing software. I’ve definitely developed habits over the years that slow me down in the suite. I thought it’d be helpful for my benefit, and perhaps anyone else who stumbles across this post, to put up some Premiere short cuts here for future reference:

  Selection Tool:          V

  Track Select Tool:     A

  Ripple Edit Tool:       B

  Rolling Edit Tool:      N

  Rate Stretch Tool:     X

  Razor Tool:                C

  Slip Tool:                   Y

  Slide Tool:                 U

  Pen Tool:                   P

  Hand Tool:                H

  Zoom Tool:                Z

Once I have these down pat, they will likely make my life a lot easier. Props to Paul for posting these originally!