Expertise Exercise – The art of Pen twirling & Origami


Create an expertise video using only 3 shots.

-Someone in the group has to come up with an action that they feel they are expert at.

-The remaining people in the group had to film and record audio for the expertise action using only 3 shots.

-There is a big emphasise on audio recording, incorporate it into the video.


When put on the spot it’s kind of hard to think of something that you’re particularly good at. During my final years in high school, to pass the time I practiced a nifty way of twirling my pen in my hand that I still do today as a reflex when I am thinking. So I decided this would be my expertise.

I was tasked with filming my fellow classmate Grace, who was going to make paper origami for the expertise exercise. We decided to use the couches and tables in the editing suit space because it was quite enough for what audio we needed to capture.(Paper ripping/folding) I took into account the action and the sound when constructing my shot list as we were only tasked at taking 3 different shots, I decided to use the coverage of a wide, mid and close up knowing that I would be able to easily match cut between the three.


Audio was recorded separately on the day as well as scratch audio in the camera, this was to make it easier to sync up in the editing process. The Mixer that we used was amazing at recording clear and precise audio, when putting it into premiere pro and syncing it I had trouble with one clip not matching. I couldn’t figure out why this was happening but what was great about Graces expertise was that it has clear moments in the video where sound was present (Ripping) so this was easy to manually match to the vision.

When I decided to edit I used the technique called the match cut, specifically using the audio ques recorded on the day to help mask the cuts (Cut from wide to a close up on ripping action) I found that even though my shot list was quite simplistic in nature the use of the audio cues and match cutting gave the video something dynamic and engaging. The space became vast and all the attention was on grace and the action at hand.

I think that the aha moment for me was the fact that at first I was doubting my shots as being to simple but when edited together with the sound at the forefront you can create something quite engaging and dynamic. The sound recorded on the day helped to create this atmosphere and space in the video that I will continue to think more about when filming in the future. I think that a lot of people put to much emphasis on the way something looks visually and always think of audio asa post production process when it must be properly thought about prior to pressing record.



Trouble syncing audio with second expertise video:

My group had trouble syncing the audio of the second expertise video. Premiere was not able to match the audio from the mixer with the audio from the camera.

Why did this happen?

Well what I think happened was that the location we filmed in had a lot to do with the problem. Overbearing sounds like the helicopters in the sky, protesters in the distance chanting and I humming noise coming from an electrical system were to loud and masked my simple action. The scratch audio coming from the cameras preamps would only pick up these louder noises and not the simple noises of me tapping my pen and spinning it, while the mixer with a more directional mic was easily able to distinguish between the different audios. That is why the two clips couldn’t match because they recorded differently.

This is something I will have to remember in the future, there needs to be a slate que or something along those lines that both the camera’s audio and the mixer’s audio can capture together to help with the syncing process down the track in premiere because my group had a hard time matching up the audio with the video.

And so another exercise down and another lesson learnt, so until next time this is Lance signing off.

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