• We freely donate all our information to facebook, which in turn, they sell to industries which want to buy it and we don’t get a cent.
• The Great Firewall of China
o Restraint of activities
• Internet is not a random chaotic environment
o Distributed network where the nodes can interact with each other no matter how far apart they are
o How does resistance work within such a system. Where are the points we can work against the mode of control?
• Adrian: Not convinced that the internet was that democratic to begin with. It is flat, which is wone oone of the things that Galloway talks about in the reading.
• Flame walls: email culture
o Arguments which escalate over 3 comments
o Not polite
o Doesn’t happen face to face
o You have to be careful how you frame your discussion
o Protocol is the basis of the web
o The internet is primarily social practise
 What should I share
 What will I get back from it
 How self aware am I

• Participatory culture
o We monitor ourselves
 When we go onto facebook, we rethink if we commont, because we could get picked up by certain algorythms
 Technological advances
o Elliot: even though technologies aren’t equally distributed, there are ways in which to distribute them equally.
o Adrian: once we have cars, there’s a future with each car that ends up being  roads, freeways, suburbs. Suddenly we need new technical protocols and social protocols
o When we make something, there is no standard. We have no way of knowing what will evolve. E.g. phonogram
o Virtual and actual: anything has before it a set of futures. Anything that falls into possible futures are virtual. Any of these futures which come to be are actual.
o Therefore we each have a series virtual futures: i.e the Cone. The further in the future we get, the wider the cone gets.
o This example is like the internet. The further could be already here. There are future possibilities which are all possible, but only some will get to be actualised.

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