In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester. You will review this later in the course. Many will rethink this dramatically by the end of the course – this is a good thing.
This semester I want to experiment with documentary film making that isn’t necessarily mainstream. I want to be fearless enough to test out different approaches to the way an idea can be explored. I want to work with people who have similar interestes and goals with relation to the final project and I want us all to work collaborativly to produce a piece we are all very proud of. I want to expand my technical abilities. Last semester my group struggled a lot with audio. I want to focus a lot of my learning on how I can improve audio during all aspects of production. Sound has proven to be a critical part of all film work, and last year it was largely disregarded by my group. In pre-production, I want to put emphasis on planning out the types of sounds we will include. By the end of this semester, in post production, I want to not just abandon audio because it might be too hard. I also really want to work an an idea that not only teaches the audience of our doco something, but also me in making it.