Peer Perve Week 5

Going through my peers blogs, I found several video uploads on the perspective of a plant which I thought were worth mentioning.

The first was in Gina’s blog. What I liked so much about this video was the sound and audio combined. The screen was completely absorbed by the idea of water, and you couldn’t really make out exactly what you were looking at. The camera moved in random angles which created a sense of urgency, as if you as the viewer (the plant) really loved and needed this water. The sounds accompanying the audio were gushing, slurping sounds, which further created the idea that we were a plant soaking up as much of this water as we could. As if it was the only thing that mattered and the only thing we could see.

The second sketch task response I really liked was Bec’s. She did the perspective of a goldfish in an outside fish pond. There was a central object in the fish pond, which looked like some sort of lamp shade, which Bec focused on through several different angles. It created the feeling of being stuck in a small fish pond, as the things we saw were generally within a tiny distance from eachother and were quite repetitive. We really did feel like we were swimming around in circles. The ending shot of being underwater worked really well at emphasising the animal as a goldfish. Still don’t know how she got that shot!


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