Korsakow Issues

After SNUifiying my media files (the ones from Adrian’s online media library), and creating keywords for Ins and Outs, making sure I had at least 5 for each one, I then was excited to see what I produced. But nothing.

Then I looked over at Anita who was changing file names and not exporting to a specific folder called ‘export’ and she was coming up with all these errors… then she fixed it, and it all amazingly worked. How come I’m not that lucky and I’m doing everything by the book!

I’ve downloaded Adobe Flash player, changed my safari preferences and even tried it in google chrome, but the web browser still stays black… This is the most frustrating issue ever and I need to find a way to fix it soon..

Korsakow Black ScreenIn the mean time, please enjoy this screen grab of what my Safari is presenting to me.

Also I have a couple questions about what can work with the in and out keywords. In our last class on Monday (24/3), Seth ran us through a video which explained how to create a basic K video. And from that video, I gathered that there were just two simple In and Out words: female and male. What happens if we want to create more? for instance, some of the files in the ‘Square Media’ folder relate to planes, skies, land and transport. I only had two In and Out Keywords to begin with: land and transport, but then I began to notice that some overlapped. E.g. a video of the outside of a train. The outside was land terrain, but it was taken on a train. Therefore, can there be two in and out keywords? What will happen? I can’t exactly experiment with this at the moment, because as stated, my exported website files are not working…

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