I engaged a lot with this reading partly because it had me from the word Titanic. It was actually fascinating reading about how the story can always change in hypertext. It reminded me of the books that I have read which were able to always change the endings depending on the various different pathways we chose (i.e. the Goosbumps series). I liked how it talked about how the narrative will always change depending on our actions and what we choose, which is completely different to a book which will stay the same no matter how many times we pick it up and read it – we cannot influence or change the outcome.

I looked up the hypertext novel afternoon and I really want to read it. It seems fascinating that how one person reads it can be completely different to the next.

In a way this sort of reminded me of playing The Sims 3, where we completely influence the pathways of the characters. It isn’t so much a novel in which we pick the pathway through different links etc, but we establish it ourselves and can either make the sims teachers, ghosts, playboys, housewives, extremely rich, poverty ridden, fat or skinny or even socially deprived. But this is a game where we create the outcome from scratch. There are several influential factors, like the hours in the day and the aging of the sims, but they can even be influenced by the gamer. In hypertext, we simply chose a link and a pathway is decided for us.

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