This week in our class, Jasmine told us that we were the guinnea pigs for something they would be trying out at the next Un-Lecture. We were to come up with 5 questions through a process of elimination which would be brought to the panel to answer.

First step – Brainstorming. What makes a good question?

  • generates more than a yes and no answer
  • what a phrase or sentence or passage means
  • could be about how one thing relates to something else: making connections between various things
  • how things might be applied
  • “does this mean this? does anyone agree? why?

We came up with 5 questions (after a hectic voting system) and managed to join questions together and eliminate some so that what we wanted to know was more concise. The white board got wiped pretty fast, but two that were up there were:

  • After we graduate can we separate the blog from the mediafactory? ♥ #BBB
  • As content producers is it more important to speculate for into the future or pay more attention to the present?

Eventually we ended up with 5:

  • What is the practicality of design fiction for people who are not designers? What separates it from science fiction?
  • How is a network influenced by its constituents, and how does it influence them?
  • As content producers, is it more important to speculate far into the future or pay more attention to the present?
  • What do you think the future of networked media will involve, and how will it benefit us?
  • How have mobile devices changed the way blogs are produced and consumed

Looking forward to how it all unfolds next Tuesday.


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