blog #79: what is a blog?

What is a blog? Good question… After having a flick through the 2 readings set by Seth, I feel like I most definitely have a strong grasp on the question of “what is a blog?” Blogging is a form of media that basically was incepted when the internet first started in 1990. A new post […]

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blog #77: that’s a wrap

Another studio done and dusted, Room With A View is officially over and I’m a little upset to be honest. The studio gave me a first hand look into a career path that I’ve always been interested in – and for a long time have wanted to pursue for the rest of my life. Radio […]

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blog #76: feature this

Tomorrow we are finishing up our feature on the Sydney Lock Out Laws and I’m really excited to finish it all up! Our interviews are with Ellie Worthington, the bar manager at George Street’s Q Bar; Dr Brooke, a specialist doctor speaking on health effects of the Lock Out Laws & a lovely lady from […]

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blog #72: on air!

Our first ever live radio show, and it was a…. SUCCESS! The show had great content, the interviews were A+ and everyone fulfilled their roles to the extreme. There were only a few minor stuff ups that could’ve been avoided, however I’m confident that by our next show we would have hammered these mix-ups out. […]

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blog #67: part two, transnational programs

Transnational television can best be described as a concept, program or idea that takes different forms (Chalaby, 2005). Many existing formats have gone transnational and have worked: for example, cross-border satellite TV channels, international and regional news channels and joint ventures. Chalaby also infers that transnational television takes different forms (Chalaby, 2005) including the international […]

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blog #63: homecoming

So after my amazing 3 week holiday to North and Central America, I’m back in gloomy old Melbourne – where the sun never shines and rain is aplenty. My first day of semester 2 at RMIT consisted of a session for my studio class Character as well as a lecture for The Spectacle of Music Video which were […]

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