blog #84: ethically speaking

Would you put up compromising pictures of yourself throughout your school? Would you go to your parent’s place of work and hang up posters explaining your deepest darkest thoughts? Would you rock up to your grandparents house and replace baby pictures of you in albums to pictures of yourself passed out in a gutter with […]

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blog #80: inspecting naomi simson

Naomi Simson is one of Australia’s most well-known and successful entrepreneurs. She is the founder of Red Balloon (an online gift-giving service), one out of the five Sharks on Channel 10’s Shark Tank and a successful author. I have admired Naomi since first watching Shark Tank, her intelligence and passion, as well as her no-holds-barred […]

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blog #77: that’s a wrap

Another studio done and dusted, Room With A View is officially over and I’m a little upset to be honest. The studio gave me a first hand look into a career path that I’ve always been interested in – and for a long time have wanted to pursue for the rest of my life. Radio […]

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blog #60: reflecting

Brief 4 was a collaborative piece in which each group was given a topic that they had to research, and then eventually produce a media artefact that creatively responded to one of the conceptual ideas central to Media. Once divided into our groups we were set on our way to research this topic. My group, […]

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