blog #41: saturday night done right

Taking a break from the usual piss-up and loud music, I’ve decided to focus my attention over this weekend to cleaning up some university work and tying up some loose ends. I was able to finish off my Popular Culture bibliography for our presentation, as well as generating a logo for “GAME SCOPE” – Team Forte’s Brief 4 […]

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blog #34: annotate in overdrive

This annotated bibliography task is becoming a little bit tiresome now. After starting on Friday, the task is due tomorrow which means I really need to get a move on. I’m currently over halfway through the task, and after today’s catch up with the rest of Team Forte, I should be right on track to finish […]

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blog #30: dirty thirty

Finally, the big 30! Dirty thirty. Halfway to 60. Now that’s crazy. To me, writing blogs have never been a chore. I love doing them. Maybe my content isn’t exactly amazing, but I feel like I’m using this more as a general university life journal rather than a Media specific journal… but maybe that’s what it […]

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