blog #60: reflecting

Brief 4 was a collaborative piece in which each group was given a topic that they had to research, and then eventually produce a media artefact that creatively responded to one of the conceptual ideas central to Media. Once divided into our groups we were set on our way to research this topic. My group, […]

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blog #52: correlation nation

Working with Sandy and Ali has been a really interesting and fun experience! Here are links to both Ali and Sandy’s blogs where they both discuss over a few blog posts the key ideas and their thoughts on the Brief 4 planning, meetings and filming. Ali: Sandy: Take a look!

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blog #40: final cut

Today each individual group had to present their prototype or a rough outcome idea for their Brief 4 presentation. Everyone’s outcomes are coming along really nicely, it was good to see what others were doing as well to provide a little inspiration and motivation for my group, Team Forte’s, final media artefact. My group, after […]

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blog #36: two become one

Thursday afternoon was an entire tutorial dedicated towards our Brief 4, where each group were able to share their own ideas, as well as being able to receive some much needed advice and a bit of a push in the right direction from our tutor, Rachel. This tutorial really helped my group, Team Forte, as […]

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blog #35: meet me halfway

Today, at 3.30, my group had a replacement meeting for our usual Monday time as Sandy had fallen ill. It was a relative quick and succinct meeting, basically running over how we had all gone in the annotated bibliography, as well as talking about research, any issues we had and our final media artefact. Everything […]

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blog #28: team FORTE

On Monday at about 12pm, Ali, Sandy and I caught up for lunch to chat about our brief and to get to know each other. The meeting went extremely well, with each individual member contributing immensely to the discussion. The minutes from our first meeting are as follows: – Idea for doing a website as […]

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