blog #41: saturday night done right

Taking a break from the usual piss-up and loud music, I’ve decided to focus my attention over this weekend to cleaning up some university work and tying up some loose ends. I was able to finish off my Popular Culture bibliography for our presentation, as well as generating a logo for “GAME SCOPE” – Team Forte’s Brief 4 […]

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blog #40: final cut

Today each individual group had to present their prototype or a rough outcome idea for their Brief 4 presentation. Everyone’s outcomes are coming along really nicely, it was good to see what others were doing as well to provide a little inspiration and motivation for my group, Team Forte’s, final media artefact. My group, after […]

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blog #38: scripted

The past couple of days has been totally dedicated towards scripting our media artefact, the talk show called Game Scope. I am a creative writer, it is what I love to do, so to be able to have the freedom to move away from the constant solo video making, I can now take on a role […]

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blog #37: prototypical

Today, my group met up for a fairly extensive meeting to discuss the filming, script and production of our final piece: Brief 4. What we know so far is that it’ll be a talk show like concept, discussing 2 particular texts and how mediums are used in each. Here is a prototype for it:

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blog #36: two become one

Thursday afternoon was an entire tutorial dedicated towards our Brief 4, where each group were able to share their own ideas, as well as being able to receive some much needed advice and a bit of a push in the right direction from our tutor, Rachel. This tutorial really helped my group, Team Forte, as […]

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blog #35: meet me halfway

Today, at 3.30, my group had a replacement meeting for our usual Monday time as Sandy had fallen ill. It was a relative quick and succinct meeting, basically running over how we had all gone in the annotated bibliography, as well as talking about research, any issues we had and our final media artefact. Everything […]

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blog #32: peer reviewed blog

Medium: a channel of common intercommunication across avenues such as print, visuals and sounds. If I have to search for one more bloody peer reviewed journal in library search again I think I may consider throwing my laptop at a wall. Research is getting the better of me at 11.55pm only an hour and a […]

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