blog #44: #illridewithyou

Sunday night was spent being an emotional wreck finally tuning into something I’ve wanted to for a long time now. I can not believe what these people had to endure, it must be in our nature to rise to occasions when we are pressured to. For those that have not seen this before, Liz Hurley does […]

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blog #38: scripted

The past couple of days has been totally dedicated towards scripting our media artefact, the talk show called Game Scope. I am a creative writer, it is what I love to do, so to be able to have the freedom to move away from the constant solo video making, I can now take on a role […]

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blog #25: confucius say

Today’s lecture really threw me for a loop, I understood quite little of everything that was discussed… and having a look over Brief 4, I can only add to that confusion. The use of stringent media terms made today’s lecture turn into one big blur. I tried my hardest to understand the key concepts discussed, […]

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blog #23: lost in translation

Today I completed, shot, produced, filmed, wrote (trying to think of other movie roles to make me sound professional when I’m really not) and EDITED (nailed it!) my Brief 3 film on my grandmother, Panayiota Grigoriou. My Yiayia, grandma in Greek, suffered through the loss of her parents due to war and unfortunate circumstances, was forced […]

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blog #21: plans

Having absolutely no experience with cameras and recording, Elise, Steph, Gianna and I had a little information and planning session for Brief 3 where Elise also taught us how to function the Sony MC50 camera. I found the whole planning session extremely informative as I was able to experience something other than my iPhone camera […]

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blog #19: FATE: A JOURNEY

After what could have arguably been the longest day of my entire life I have finally finished my 1 minute piece for Brief 2 of the Self-Portrait assignment. It’s not pretty, it’s not overly artistic and it most certainly won’t win an Academy Award… but I put in 100%. Honestly, I’ve never had more issues […]

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blog #16: FOMO

Today’s Media One lecture will be down a member, that member being me. My friends from Adelaide have flown to Melbourne to visit me for the weekend and I have to make the trip with them to drop them off at the airport. Their plane leaves at 1520 hours (like my aviation lingo?), with their […]

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blog #15: pain in my web

It’s hard to think that in the not to distant past, there was no such thing as the Internet. Computers, mobile phones, tablets – everything these days is just another platform to get in touch with people via the world wide web. Today, however, the Internet and I had a hiccup in our long and […]

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