blog #58: dusty roads ahead

Week 12’s lecture, today, was all about media materialism! Dan took over this lecture again and presented the 2 hour seminar in a really engaging and comprehensible way. I especially loved the way that all the media terms were discussed and defined explicitly. The terms ‘Holocene’ and ‘Anthropocene’ were terms I struggled with but once […]

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blog #46: sampling samples

Today’s lecture was all about copyright, sampling and originality. Dan, today’s lecturer, played some very interesting videos to keep us all engaged, intertwining it with some academic research. He then gave us an activity, to listen to Girl Talk’s song This Is The Remix and then to list as many song samples that we could find. I […]

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blog #25: confucius say

Today’s lecture really threw me for a loop, I understood quite little of everything that was discussed… and having a look over Brief 4, I can only add to that confusion. The use of stringent media terms made today’s lecture turn into one big blur. I tried my hardest to understand the key concepts discussed, […]

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blog #16: FOMO

Today’s Media One lecture will be down a member, that member being me. My friends from Adelaide have flown to Melbourne to visit me for the weekend and I have to make the trip with them to drop them off at the airport. Their plane leaves at 1520 hours (like my aviation lingo?), with their […]

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blog #8: roll call

Today’s lecture was a lot of fun, yet extremely informative! We had a chat from Anne Lennox, an expert on copyright management at the university library! The talk was all about copyrighting which is key, especially in my elective course of Music in Popular Culture as I really have to be careful with what I record […]

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