Finally, the big 30! Dirty thirty. Halfway to 60. Now that’s crazy. To me, writing blogs have never been a chore. I love doing them. Maybe my content isn’t exactly amazing, but I feel like I’m using this more as a general university life journal rather than a Media specific journal… but maybe that’s what it is for? All up the writer I guess.
It’s been quite easy to make connections between each of the different courses and the information relayed by the lecturers, tutors and by myself! For example, in both of my other classes, we’ve been discussing authenticity in hip-hop. So, for my vlog in Popular Culture in Everyday Life, I chose my popular culture artefact to be Iggy Azalea and her effect on hip-hop and black culture. Then, for my 2000 word essay for Music in Popular Culture, I chose to write on the appropriation of black culture and the treatment of women in hip-hop. It feels good to be able to make such succinct and clear connections between my different classes as it adds a level of self-pride and achievement when you’re able to make these connections. Media 1 has helped me to be able to edit a whole lot better as well, so for my vlog on Iggy Azalea, I was able to use my newfound media editing skills to the test and achieve something that I was proud of.