The evidence…
I guess, looking over my daily media use, my social media use is considerably a lot less than everyone else. With that, this analysis blog entry will focus on my social media use.
In reality, I sort of do the same thing daily with social media. That is, wake up, check every platform. From Twitter to Facebook, Instagram to Twitter, YouTube to Snapchat – I check them all! After that, it’s really just go about my daily life. If I ever get a moment of free time, for example a break during work, or walking between classes, pulling up at the stop lights, I really will only check my social media a little bit during the day. I know some people, especially my friends that are around my age, are addicted to their phones and laptops, constantly checking every platform so often that they forget they just checked it.
Really, my most used social media times are wake-up, to bed-time. It’s at these times that I’ll do the general whip around, check on everything to ensure it’s all going okay and keep up with what it is my friends are doing. I really am quietly happy with my media use, knowing that I am on my phone less than my peers around my age is something to be commended, I think (claps for me!). I know that I would be on my phone a lot more, if I wasn’t so busy – I’m glad that my social media use is quite low!