blog #87: tag, you’re it!

Tags came about as a way of delving deeper than just a category. As the WordPress wiz said in the video played in our tutorial, tags are a defining mechanism rather than a sorting tool. For example, you wouldn’t sort your clothes out in your wardrobe by country of origin, you’d sort them out in the category that they fall under (i.e. jeans, snow jackets, underwear). However, tags can help you define how you might wash your clothes, how its best put away, whether or not to iron – it’s all about the little things and NOT an over-arching and totally all encompassing way of sorting out, in this case, a blog post.

Something that really was enlightening for me from this video was the experts’ view on the use of tags and how many to, or not to, use. I always thought that the more tags, the better. However, I know now that this is definitely not the case. The expert said the more limited amount of tags the easier it is for your audience to find exactly what they came for. People are put off by unnecessary garbage that they have to sort through, especially when they know that they’ve come for one thing, and one thing only. From this, I definitely actioned this idea straight away and subsequently went through all my old blog entries and deleted a bunch of unnecessary tags.

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