Another studio done and dusted, Room With A View is officially over and I’m a little upset to be honest. The studio gave me a first hand look into a career path that I’ve always been interested in – and for a long time have wanted to pursue for the rest of my life. Radio is such a unique and engaging platform – drawing in an audience with only a voice. No other senses. Touch. Taste. Smell. Look. Nothing.
Room With A View as directed by Sam and Bruce was an eye-opening studio which offered me the chance to produce and present a live-to-air radio show, as well as produce a feature. Our first show started off really well, after listening back to our show – as well as listening to the other student’s shows, I truly believe our first show was the best. It was interesting, engaging and it flowed well. The content was high-class and the talk was top-notch. While there were flaws, it was the first show off the rank which meant we were the first group to be live-to-air – a huge accomplishment that we decided to take on.
Our second show didn’t start off very well. Some in-group bickering and lazy members made it a little harder to put the show together. Some group members hadn’t come to one class; others needed prompting to annotate the show or even help with coming up with an idea for some show content. Through some hard work, the second show was put together – and I truly believe this was the best show for any group of the whole semester. The content of the show was at a 3RRR breakfast standard, and the camaraderie between Georgia and I was really great. I was so proud of how we all pulled together that day and the team spirit displayed by everyone was invigorating and exciting.
Coming off this high, I expected our feature to run smoothly – this was not the case. It took us a little while to get the feature together – we only finalised the piece the day it was due. Isabelle and I really put in the most amount of work with this feature and she worked so hard to ensure it was done to a high level. She surprised me with her positive attitude and willingness to listen to other’s input – I was very proud. Our feature was not as we planned, with all interviews being done over the phone, however I still believe it was an enthralling piece and dealt out the cold, hard facts about an issue that could soon effect Melbourne.
Overall, I am happy with how this studio has gone. Bruce has provided a lot of insight into the industry and Sam has been a huge support in all the 3RRR and radio advice. The studio threw me in the deep-end when it came to presenting, I really wish I had learnt how to operate the panel effectively, however I’m sure if 3RRR would like to have me continue RWAV then this is something I could learn a little more about.
Thanks for tuning in!