blog #73: practice makes perfect

After a couple of stressful weeks with school work, jobs and personal life – we’re less than a week out from our second live show. This second live show is where I’ll be able to show my skills on the microphone and present Room With a View! I’m so excited but also a little bit nervous to see whether or not I can really nail it. I’ve worked really hard on finding some appropriate interview topics and scoped out 2 of the 3 interviewees. One of these is Positive Women – an organisation aimed at helping women live with HIV in Australia. Our second segment will be on the GABS Beer, Cider and Food Festival which is coming up on May the 20th – celebrating great drinks and great food! Our third segment – which will be a live-to-air interview, is one that Georgia scouted – Nat Randall who performs her own 24 hour show at ACMI!

I’m super excited for Monday to come, however in between now and then we have a lot more preparation to do. Tomorrow we have our 2 pre-recorded interviews (GABS and PW) to complete as well as some panel training for our panelist this time around – Sarah – and some general layout and show preparation and general housekeeping to figure out.

After listening back to every group’s first time around on 3RRR, I’m stoked to be able to put all the knowledge I’ve learnt to the test and smash my first go around hosting my own radio show – something I’ve dreamt about doing for such a long time. Here’s hoping that everything goes well on Monday, will check back in after the show has gone to air!

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