blog #45: (nearly) married at first sight

Tonight was the premiere of Channel 9’s brand new show, adopted from the American version, called Married at First Sight. The show’s loose concept is that 3 relationship experts match couples out of a pool of around 20. The couple is then “married” in a normal ceremony, however it has now been made clear that it is purely a commitment ceremony rather than an actual wedding ceremony. The “husband and wife” then live together for a month, and if they have fallen in love and want to continue with the relationship they have the option to, and then adversely they can split up if that is where they believe the relationship is heading.

I tuned in tonight to see what all the fuss was about. And I have to be honest, I was captivated. To see two people, who have no idea one another even exist, and then pursue a relationship, actually makes thrilling TV.

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