blog #40: final cut

Today each individual group had to present their prototype or a rough outcome idea for their Brief 4 presentation. Everyone’s outcomes are coming along really nicely, it was good to see what others were doing as well to provide a little inspiration and motivation for my group, Team Forte’s, final media artefact.

My group, after presenting ours, was given some constructive feedback by Rachel including for our research, the script and the presentation of the film. We then went on a little adventure to the studio rooms to see if these would be applicable and appropriate filming spaces for our Good Game-esque style shoot. We all collectively fell in love with this cool little lounge/relaxation workspace near the studios so we decided as a group that this would be our filming environment. To accommodate for the lighting issues that we could foresee, we overcame this by asking the tech-guys to borrow a lighting structure for the day of the filming. We also, whilst we were dealing with the tech-heads, reserved a Sony MC50 along with 2 tripods (one for the school camera, and one for Ali’s) to reduce the need to hire later on.

Once we made our way back to the media classroom, we discussed logo ideas for Game Scope and Head-to-Head in which I offered up the services of my friend to produce the logo. Ali and Sandy both got stuck into their downloading and finding of footage of both Grand Theft Auto and Resident Evil respectively.

Our date for shooting is next Thursday, the 20th of May from 12.30 to 3.00 which will give us 2 and a half hours to shoot the film. Then the footage will be in the hands of Ali and Sandy to work their magic as I offer up my ideas and opinions throughout the editing process.

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