blog #29: all aboard the drain train

8 weeks into my first year of life at RMIT University and it’s safe to say that I am 100%, completely, without a doubt… drained! I feel my motivation levels slipping before my eyes, and my drive to complete homework and smash out assignments is completely gone. I feel myself shifting into the habit of whatever will be will be and I’m hating myself for it.

I have a feeling that this lack of effort is coming from a stressful week of assignments, readings, blogging, working and socialising. My friends from Adelaide came to visit me in Melbourne so basically my whole weekend was void, but it was an excellent couple of days. As well as this, I’ve been working every two days to try and make as much money as possible to live in one of the world’s most expensive cities. And just to top of my week from hell, I had a 2000 word essay due for my class Music in Popular Culture, as well as a 4 minute vlog for my contextual class Popular Culture in Everyday Life. Not to mention my recent hand-in of Project Brief 3 for Media 1 along with keeping up with the never-ending blog posts.

But this is what I signed up for, gotta keep going!

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