It’s hard to think that in the not to distant past, there was no such thing as the Internet. Computers, mobile phones, tablets – everything these days is just another platform to get in touch with people via the world wide web.
Today, however, the Internet and I had a hiccup in our long and fruitful relationship. Having moved from Adelaide to Melbourne, as mentioned in 14,800 posts before this, this move comes with it’s problems… one of those problems occurred today. As I was working on my final blog for my contextual study subject, Popular Culture in Everyday Life, my internet simply stopped working! With only 1 hour to go before my final blog had to be submitted, I started freaking out. 1 hour turned to 50 minutes, which turned to 30 minutes with no progress on restoring my precious Internet. I don’t pride myself on my ability with technology, but I had to go from 0 to hero otherwise it could mean that my assignment would be submitted late, thus returning a fail grade.
I sincerely wish that this story would end on a positive note, but unfortunately it doesn’t. 3 hours later and I finally have got my internet back, submitted my assignment late and am now writing this blog post. What a learning curve. As they say: you win some, you lose some.