Observations – Week 7

As I sit down to do some long delayed homework, I open up and stare at a blank document. Suddenly, the idea of cleaning those dishes that have been in the kitchen all week is very appealing. And those towels that have been sitting in the laundry, today is the day they finally get washed. As I dart around the house doing the things I have put off all week, I ignore the voice in my head telling me to do the other, more important thing. That darn homework.
The door knocks as some guests have arrived to stay for a couple nights. They are from Sydney. I haven’t met them before, but they are my girlfriend’s friends. We invite them in, and give them the tour. Soon they meet our dog Gus, who is 17 years old, has lots of warts, and is almost 100% blind & deaf. Just as they lean down to give him a hesitant pat, he begins to poo on the ground inside. A perfect introduction.

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