With my shoot happening this Sunday, I’ve finished up what I think will be the final script. I’ve written this with the the intention of improvising a lot of the scenes, and I’m aware that some of this stuff may not make it, or we may add other stuff on the day. I won’t be showing my actors this until the day, when we will have a discussion about it together. So here it is! While reading, perhaps keep in mind the locations and cast I’ve selected.


I’m quite happy with what I’ve written. I think some of the dialogue is quite natural, but that being said I won’t know until the day. It seems some scriptwriters write with the intent of sticking exactly to the script, and this works to create a natural effect (I believe Noah Baumbach works this way, and to great effect! His dialogue is very engaging and feels real). Others however, such as Joe Swanberg and Andrew Bujalski (mumblecore innovators) prefer to leave a lot of room for improv, and I’m adopting that strategy.

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