Project 2: update #1

My group began working on our sketches for project two a couple of days ago, and the most prominent thing I have taken from our time spent working together is how much time it actually takes to get things going. I’m not meaning this in a bad way, and realistically I think it comes down to the group itself as to what and how much you get done within a time frame. For example, being in a partnership with a close friend (with a similar sense of humour) has meant that a lot of time so far has been dedicated to exploring ideas and bringing concepts together, and this is something I’m quite excited about. It means the videos we eventually end up making are going to be works we are happy with on more than just an academic level, and that really do appeal to us as viewers of online content. We did mange to come up with a minimum of ten ideas for the sketches, and have filmed about one and a half of them (still 8 to go!). I feel that perhaps I should be worried about the limitations of the time frame left to complete all our works for the sketches, and yet if I’m honest I’m quite happy with the pacing. I believe that now we have our ideas down, filming for them shouldn’t be all that difficult, and hopefully we have some good stuff to present Friday week!


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