Studio: Friday week 2 (extra notes)

What is online video – notes from class presentations:

  • are things made for tv or web?
  • where can you watch it/what can you watch it on
  • you watch online video in breaks / times where you wouldn’t traditionally watch television
  • television consumption is more structured
  • form of videos interesting – structure, stylistic elements, how has screen been used, editing
  • short shows – not long enough for TV might be more successful online?
  • web based advertising – instructional tutorials
  • professional quality videos taking from DIY / user made videos – there is a crossover here – both borrow from the other
  • the kind of advert you wouldn’t see on television works online – too long, format is different – tutorial with placement of products
  • targeted audience – ads on YouTube show to specific audiences – interest in make up, female, age
  • campaigns – old spice – ad being online rather than tv allows for continuation of campaign on social media – active audiences – interactivity of web 2.0
  • interactiveness of online video in general makes certain material / creators successful
  • vine – user friendly – easy to share and make short videos
  • remixing existing video (even with own video) as a form of online content
  • interaction of vine – easy to share – short length – micro video – want to share shorter content – more likely to go viral – people have time for this content
  • anyone can make video such as the donut selfie – encouraged?
  • gaming video – new phenomenon – gameplay almost specific to web, not much game related content on TV – talk shows only


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