Jane talks about the wikipedia game, and describes her experiences with it by stating “…we used to sit in class and choose two pages eg. Hawaii and The Plague or ‘Black Death’ (off the top of my head) and then try and find all the links between them and time how long it would take us on Wikipedia to get from one page to the other using only the links on the pages.” I think it sounds awesome, and it’s a good example of networks on the web.
Sam talks about Thom Yorke and his pretty successful attempt to push revenue back towards the people who actually produce music by eliminating gate keepers such as iTunes through BitTorrent and the introduction of a free track/video plus a $6 gateway fee for the rest of the album. Which is cool.
Finally, George has uploaded a photo of his progress in coding the ‘about’ page for his mixed media creative critical essay, which looks amazingly complex… but good work, eh?