Although group work has not been a problem for me so far, I have been thinking about project three and the tremendous amount of collective work that might include, and any issues that might rise up because of that. A lot of groups decided to split the work load for project two, filming five sketches each and writing up their respective blog posts. My group wanted to work together, to create work as a group, and it has worked really well. Only now I’m beginning to think of the bigger picture. 14 sketches is a lot, and perhaps we might have to take on a few of them alone. Hopefully this doesn’t mean all of them, I’d like to do as many as possible still as a group, but if we can’t then at least we can explore the option of taking on some work individually, and having this idea in our minds quite early on. This way, we can plan some of the sketches so that they don’t require a team of two, and even work to our own strengths from the start. With this said, it would be good if they still remained group works in the sense that the idea is shared, unlike some of the work for project two where some groups came up with their individual sketches on their own. I would want all 14 ideas to be finalised as a group, even if they have to filmed/edited individually. As a group task, the overall discussion and idea generation should remain a group task.