The studio today included around half of the class presenting their chosen case studies from project one, and discussing their interest in the content and what it means in terms of online video. The types of videos varied from advertisements to comedy to game play videos, and each brought up different ideas as to what online video is. In watching these presentations, some key questions arose. How can you tell if things are made for television or the web, and does this effect the content? Is it interactive? Can it be watched on multi-platforms? Of course, anything can be made as online content. That’s the beauty of it being online – there aren’t really any restrictions. Naturally though, some content is more suited and more likely to thrive as online video due to the interactivity of such a platform, and perhaps the expectations that people have of what online video should be as opposed to what traditional media should look like. With that said, things are changing. Web series are becoming more prominent, and there is plenty of successful content on sites such as YouTube that you would be just as likely to see on television. It’s a changing world! Who knows, with the support YouTube offers to successful content creators in terms of moment and promotion, maybe one day it will be considered just as worthy to have content online than on TV. I certainly feel that it’s heading that way.