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SKETCH 5 Streaming

April 24, 2015 by kimberlyteoh   

For this sketch, I was planning on using Periscope or Meerkat. Unfortunately, these apps were not fully developed for the Android so I couldn’t quite explore this idea with my Samsung S3. So I went with another app called which I recently learned was developed before Periscope or Meerkat, but didn’t quite take off. Anyway, in this sketch, I streamed while walking around a lane near Flinder’s Street that’s a popular destination for tourists because it is known as Graffiti Lane. Think of it as a street art museum.  After I finished streaming, the app didn’t provide a playback of what I just streamed. However, I anticipated this and selected the option to save the broadcast into my phone.

Personally, I knew that in order to engage with the 3 viewers who were watching, I had to talk…to my camera. Because this is what most streamers do and why most people watching streams, because they engage with each other (the viewers can leave comments so they can “talk” to the streamer). My mind knew this but since I’m a self-conscious person, my heart found it hard to do it. I was afraid of getting looks from the people in the lane, and there were a lot of them. So the result is quite….sub-par. If only the location had no people. If only.

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