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Week 6 Monday: Class Reflection

April 13, 2015 by kimberlyteoh   

Seth showed us a video that explained the concept of “Satisficing”, a play on the words sacrificing and satisfying. It meant that you would sacrifice a bunch of ideas because you were satisfied with one that is “good enough”. Rather than focus on one idea and making it good, Seth encouraged us to think up of a bunch of ideas even if they were terrible and were likely to fail. I quite liked this emphasis on focusing on quantity because this meant that a lot of our ideas don’t have to get thrown out of the window even if they had implications or weren’t “good enough”. So, a lot of pressure has been taken off.

Try and fail, again and again, only then will you find success. #AdviceforLYFE. #NoSeriously. #CouldIGetAnyMoreDeep. #soawrigeenull #SHUTUPKIM #okay…

One issue that arose with Project Three is coming up with three ideas based on our first sketches and properly fleshing them out. We often wondered whether we were on the right track. It would be problematic if we went off course and made sketches that weren’t relevant for the project. Personally, I think we’re struggling because we focused on deconstructing Devin’s video into camera techniques and emulating those for Project Two to better understand how it was made, rather than focusing on experimenting with its form.

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