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Understanding Network Media

July 31, 2013 by kimberlyteoh   

I like to fully understand anything that I am involved with. Not only does it make it easier to talk about them, but it also makes it more easier to find/work with the relevant material.

So, first things first, what is Network Media?

I know what media is. I know what a network is. But what IS Network Media, exactly?
By definition, it is, and I quote from Wikipedia, “media mainly used in computer networks such as the Internet.” Simple enough. But I need more detail.
This video by AMXtalk certainly helps with that.

So basically, from what I understand, anything that can be shared and accessed via a network is basically a network resource. For example, videos, photos, powerpoints, MP3s, PDF files, and this blog. I guess the reason why blogging is involved with this program is because of how relevant it is which is great because I find blogging fun and much easier than writing in books. I mean, have you seen my handwriting? Goodness.

Moving on, anything that can be used to share and access content is also a network resource. So this PC that I’m using with all those crazy cables attached is also a network resource. Interesting. Other examples to include are TVs, those big screens in classes and lecture rooms + all those devices to attach to those big screens and speakers.

So to sum up, using all those network resources to share content with other people is network media.

Can’t really say I have fully understood it yet, but I suppose I will in the coming months while I’m in this program.


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