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Reading 01 Interpretations

July 31, 2013 by kimberlyteoh   

This is really late but I’m gonna go ahead and post anyway.

Last week, Adrian wrote and posted a very metaphorical reading. I have to admit that I literally imagined this while I was reading it.

I have a simple mind

Obviously, I’m sure he didn’t mean to produce a mental image such as this when he wrote it so I gave it a bit more thought.

Instead of a boat, I thought of a mouse cursor. I replaced the ocean with a cloud and put in network resources such as videos, blogs, audio files, etc. which are the ideas that other people have contributed to the cloud. None of these are connected to each other but you can certainly ‘access’ them when you touch them.

Basically, the ocean/cloud is a gateway to a world that has an endless amount of ideas that other people have put in. Although Adrian only described and mentioned one boat, who says that there can’t be more boats? Anyone can be in it or access it. I believe that’s what network media is.


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