Timmy’s Summer Bites is a television segment that was devised by myself and a three other RMIT students. As per the course criteria, our group was required to mirror a conventional television program as well as base our show around the theme summer. In doing so, we created ‘Timmy’s Summer Bites’, imaging our chosen host program ‘Coxy’s Big Break‘.
Timmy’s Summer Bites is a television segment that captures the public appeal and popularity of food trucks in Melbourne’s inner suburbs, particularly over summer. Featuring ‘Johnny’, the owner of the thriving food van called ‘Dude Food Man’, the show explores the allure of operating a business out of a mobile van. With an up-beat, summer vibe, the show’s host, Timmy, speaks with the locals to find out what is so attractive about food vans in what has become a trendy event amidst Melbourne’s food culture.
It was only recently that Australia outshone itself… Again, by having the most downloads internationally for television series, Breaking Bad. This brings about an interesting trend for the mainstream method of obtaining media as well as an evident popularity for television series. Without conducting further research, it seems apparent that television series have a viral, cult-like, mass following. I would even go as far to suggest that television series in present-day are dominating films.
But why are series killing it all of a sudden? It is notable that public’s attitudes and behaviors on their media consumption have altered since the proliferation of the Wonderful World Wide Web. A mere hour after the finally of Breaking Bad was released on America television, thousands of copies were available online – two clicks away from viewing. It is the Internet’s glorious, yet sometimes exploitative accessibility that makes going to your local Video Easy now seem like an expedition. In fact, I got nostalgia for the fluorescent lights and the sweet smell of plastic packaging last time I visited one.
However, the accessibility and shift in media consumption has little to do with the increase in viewership for television series. Without undermining series’ predecessors, the high quality of series that have been released in the last few years is unmistakable. Additionally, the narrative development throughout the series is widely talked about. Recently I heard a couple discussing Ian McShane’s lauded role as Al Swearengen in Deadwood and how the brothel owner, originally portrayed as the main antagonist, is actually a great guy. That’s nice.
Deadwood Best Of Al Swearengen – Al The Badass
If the character development alongside the evolving narrative doesn’t get your mouse moving, the cast might. With television series’ becoming more of a writer’s medium than ever, actors are executing some of their best work, weekly, in thirty to sixty minute slots. So let’s all chat about it, on Facebook, Twitter, create some memes and Breaking Bad can do to smack dealing what Johnny Cash did for Capital Punishment (Brendan McGinley)