Workshop 1.2 – Applying ‘Double Loop Learning’

Today’s symposium panel consisted of Mishell, Daniel and Esther with Elliot directing the conversation. The primary topic of focus was ‘Loop Learning’ based on Chris Argyris’ discourse on ‘Concept of Double-loop Learning’.


Esther grasped the concept well and provided visual aid to relay her understanding of loop learning and its practice to the class. Esther’s diagram showed that there are three stages of the process.


Concept of Double Loop Learning Explained Image sourced from:

“If your action strategy isn’t working and you implement Argyris’ ‘double-loop learning’ method. And if you can move beyond the barriers, you can re-evaluate and create dialog about underlying assumptions, then you may be able to amend your results”, Esther explained.


Elliot places Argysis’ theory into relative perspective – providing an example of the theory in relation to catching public transport.


Esther also positioned the theory into a similar situation. Both examples provided further insight into Argysis’ theory and how to adopt the practice of ‘double loop learning’.


Further on in the class, Elliot applied the theory to our studying practices. Elliot told that often it is a matter of finding what works best for yourself as an individual to achieve your desired results, other than doing what you think is the best action strategy.


Point made! I will take this into consideration with my hefty summer study load.