Collaboration & Performance

I’m happy that we’re finished, but most importantly, I am proud of what we managed to achieve! From the beginning we as a group bounced off quite a few ambitious ideas and interesting stories that it seemed we were all on the same page in that we wanted to create our short documentary at a high standard to submit to any film festivals in the future.

Therefore when it came to pitching for the LGBTI Dance Ball, we were gutted to know hear that if we were to pursue this story then we would have to only submit the final film for academic purposes. As we contacted all of our potential interviewees that were based in Melbourne, we found ourselves at square one again and had to accept the fact that we were going to have outsource to interviewees interstate.

To be honest, this was one of my favourite group projects I’ve ever worked. Every single one of us contributed at every step of the way from pre-production with research, contributing to the proposal and compiling appropriate questions; the production stage when it came to participating during the interview and ensuring that everything was going smoothly; and the post-production phase where everyone had their honest and best input to what is usually the most stressful and the most time consuming of the entire process.

The nature of most group projects is that some would do more than others, but most importantly, everyone was honest with what they considered to be their strengths and weakness that many of us actually challenged ourselves; whether it was building a rapport with an interviewee or enhancing their skills with Premiere Pro. Another reason why everything pulled together in the end, was how everyone was so accommodating and would sacrifice their time and other assignments to ensure that everything is going to plan – that’s when you know that you’re working with people who genuinely care on the same level as you do.

Yes, it was a journey and a lot of obstacles to overcome but I guess that’s of the fun of filmmaking. In that sometimes the obstacles become your biggest learning curves and achievements to grow in our media practice.

(Thank you Rohan!!)

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